
Reducing your digital carbon footprint.

Energy saving tips
Sustainable future

How to reduce your digital carbon footprint.

There are many ways in which we can all reduce the amount of carbon we produce but have you considered your ‘digital carbon footprint’? A digital carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gas emissions generated by digital activities, such as internet usage (including sending an email), electronic devices, and data storage. The higher the digital carbon footprint, the more impact there will be on global warming and climate change.

So, what exactly contributes to digital carbon emissions at home?

A digital carbon footprint is largely determined by the types and number of electronic devices used, as well as the energy sources used to power those devices and the energy needed in the storage and transfer of information online. Here are some of the devices, equipment and storage systems that could be consuming energy in your home.

  • Laptops, desktops, smartphones and tablets consume energy when in use. The amount of energy consumed varies depending on the type of device, the usage patterns, and the energy efficiency of the device.

  • Routers, modems and wireless access points also consume energy. These devices are typically left on all the time, so their energy consumption can add up over time.

  • Storing data on devices or in the cloud also consumes energy, particularly when the data needs to be accessed or transferred.

  • Streaming and downloading content such as movies, music and games also consume energy. This is because the content needs to be stored and transmitted over networks.

Five ways to help reduce your digital carbon emissions.

  1. Reduce your E-waste.

    Resist the urge to upgrade whenever a new smartphone or laptop model is released and take care of what you have so it lasts as long as possible.

  2. Power down.

    You can save on electricity by simply powering down your device when it’s not in use. Dimming the display to 70% can save nearly 20% of the energy used by a monitor.

  3. Clear out your cloud.

    Go through your cloud service and delete files you no longer need. Store data locally on your device or move files you don’t access often to an external hard drive.

  4. Reduce streaming.

    Don’t keep videos playing when you leave the room or after you fall asleep and turn off auto-play on YouTube. 300 million tons of carbon dioxide are generated from watching videos every year.

  5. Send fewer emails.

    Avoid unnecessary emailing by finding coworkers at the office to talk in person when possible. Delete old emails cluttering your inbox, and unsubscribe from mailing lists you don’t need.

Energy efficiency advice for your home.

Ready to get energy smart? This video is full of useful tips for more efficient energy use in your home.

From smart meters to draft excluders, there are plenty of simple measures we can take to make the most of our home energy.

Don’t let devices drain your energy.

Did you know, your appliances can still use electricity even when they’re not in use? Find out how to defeat the vampire devices in your home and save money on your energy bills. Plus, stay savvy with your screen time by checking how much energy your TV uses. Still searching for more ways to cut down your energy bills? Take a look at our energy-saving tips and see how much you could save.

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Published 11/06/2023